Customers can purchase secure files of your website, and if paying by credit card, they can receive them immediately.
This is perfect for:
- Charging for content,
- eBooks
- eMagazines
- Purchasing unique Word or PDF documents
- Purchasing software in a .zip format
- License install files
- Purchasing company reports in Excel format
- Other saleable information in digital format
Files are delivered to the customer by email instantaenously once the successful credit card callback is received from your payment gateway. Customers will see the email arrive in a matter of a few seconds after submitting their credit card details. We use email because it ensures the customer will get a full copy of the file they require, irrespective of internet disconnections, and prevents other people hacking the secret document URL (which does not exist in our system)
Or get users to pay for membership subscriptions via a shopping cart. You can set a date for expiry of memberships.
Each member can then view either secure files, or even personal files just for them using the new "my files" widget.