5 Important Pages You’ll Need to Add to Your Website

A great website does wonders for your business. It’s the place search engines send visitors to, where you build your brand awareness and sell your products or services. As you start to build your website, you’ll need to think about the pages to add to your website. Then comes the harder question: what do you put on them? Today we’ll discuss the five most essential pages a website needs, with a quick run through of what to include on them.

5 Essential Pages You’ll Need to Add to Your Website

There are five pages every website needs. They are:

  1. Homepage
  2. About Page
  3. Contact Us Page
  4. Services or Products Page
  5. Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions Page

Then of course, there are plenty more to consider. Terms and conditions page, a blog, a testimonials page, a FAQ page or even a gallery: the list keeps going on. Let’s work through what to include on these five must have pages you’ll need to add to your website.

What Does a Homepage Need?

Your homepage is usually the most visited page on your website. It needs to quickly tell visitors what you do and grab their attention. It also needs to quickly direct people where to go. Of great importance is the homepage appearance, as visitors will make an instant decision about your business in the first few seconds of arriving on it.

Content for an About Page

Your about page or about us page tells visitors who you are, what your business does and what makes you great. Here is the place to include awards, achievements and add photos of staff. It will also need to quickly direct people to the products or services you sell and how to contact you.

What Should a Contact Us Page Contain?

Here is the website page to include your email address, physical address (if you are a business which customers visit), phone number and even a contact form. Local businesses such as hairdressers and restaurants can also include additional location based information. Adding a map and written directions about how to find you, names of local suburbs and landmarks can help raise your search engine results too.

Writing Your Services or Products Page

Here is the place to list your products or services. Describe what makes your products/services great, how they work and include professional photos of them if appropriate. If you are taking orders through your website, you’ll also need to include a shopping cart. Head over to our ecommerce section to read more about how to do this.

If you are a services based business, consider using one of our FAQ or sub menu style pages, so you can break up your services list into several detailed pages. These pages can be targeted to a different service keyphrase, and make great SEO targets. For online shops, your category and product pages are automatically indexed. 

Creating a Privacy Policy & Terms and Conditions Page

Here is the page where you need to tell visitors what you are doing with any information you collect. You need to make a list of the info you collect, how it is used, how they can get a copy of it and if it will be shared. It’s also important to explain the other policies you have to keep your business and website visitors safe.

When it comes to writing your website copy, check out our article 5 Steps to Writing Killer Website Content Which Ranks High. It’s full of helpful DIY website writing advice for when you’ve chosen the pages you’ll need to add to your website.

Tags: web design  

Posted: Tuesday 19 September 2017